Don’t Ask Me If I’ll vote for Clinton in the General b/c you Won’t Get An Answer
Don't ask me if I'll vote for Hillary Clinton in the general if she's the nominee…
[VID] CNN: Sanders outperforming 2008 Obama numbers in Washington state
CNN: Sanders outperforming 2008 Obama numbers in Washington state. #WesternSaturday
[VID] Even the birds love Bernie Sanders (Portland, OR rally March 25 2016)
A bird makes a guest appearance at Bernie Sanders' YUUUGE rally in Portland, Oregon March 25…
Clip: TYT Weighs In On Melissa Harris-Perry/MSNBC split
The Young Turks Power Panel weighed in on the latest bad decision from MSNBC: Isolating Melissa…
When the fck did it become ‘unrealistic’ to have goals for the future of this nation?
@whisperwatch - Have Democrats been so beaten down by hateful rhetoric and diabolical behavior from a…
Podcast 017: Oscars – Yall gon boycott or nah?
LISTEN After Janet Hubert (the 1st and best Aunt Viv from the Fresh Prince of Bel…
Podcast 016: Who the Fck Are You To Put a Timer on Black Outrage?
The natural economic, social, and religious evolution of black and native peoples all over this world…
Podcast 015: Why is the Media Still Riding Trump’s Jock?
The corporate media is apparently still riding the Trump Train in search of higher ratings and…
Bernie Sanders and Rapper Killer Mike Discussing Real sh!t
Listen to Bernie Sanders and rapper Killer Mike have an in-depth, no-bullsh!t discussion about politics, economics…
Sanders vs the DNC – As it Was Happening [Podcast #015]
This podcast was recorded as the news was breaking about Bernie Sanders and the DNC at…